4 года назадTwitch Stream starting soon (14/06/20)
Okay folks, this is your notice that I'll be starting my Twitch stream in 15 minutes. The feed should already be up by the time you read this post, and I'm using the time to make sure that everything works as it should!
[Starter Game Progress & Plans]
I'm considering playing Barony or Isaac, though equally, I might just do a split of 2 hours in Tiberian Dawn, and 2 hours in Red Alert.
[Main Game Progress & Plans]
The main game that will be played will be Command & Conquer Remastered Collection.
[Additional Considerations]
None at present.
Link to my stream:
#streaming #stream #prestream #gaming #games #twitch #gamedupuk #playedupuk #stormkeepergu