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5 лет назад

Börser - Shares of a Holding Company in The Form of Cryptocurrency

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Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, Börser, a cryptocurrency backed by shares of Börser S.A, their holding company which offers you the exciting opportunity to take part in three different projects has arrived.

"Well, 2017 was a good year for crypto. Following Bitcoin’s steady rise to astronomical prices, altcoins saw healthy gains from their positions a year ago. Ethereum’s value increased 2,900% from November of last year. Litecoin grew a healthy 1,500% alongside Monero. Ripple tops off this list, gaining 3,185% over the year.

All of this to say, crytpo is starting to come to the fore of the global investment scene. More and more investing firms and banks are starting to speak out in favor of the new tech craze. With big money endorsements comes mainstream adoption from the general public. Crypto is proving itself to be legit, both as a technological advancement and an investment. It’s no longer the obscure interest of tech-savvy visionaries.

But with growth comes obstacles, and one of those obstacles is accessibility. For the technologically literate, navigating the cryptosphere is simple enough, but for those less attuned to the intricacies of blockchain, currency exchanges, and wallets, the learning curve can be intimidating. Luckily, there are cryptocompanies designing currencies, platforms, and products that aim to make the crypto experience more accessible to your average user."

With that being said, Börser S.A holds shares of three companies – Mi Wall Street, which specialises in providing high quality financial services previously reserved for major corporations, to the small investor, CrowdingFunds, a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform for investors all over the world, and X-Change, which enables clients to seamlessly transfer Börser’s cryptocurrency into fiat currency for a very low fee.

But before we go any further, please check out this video presentation to get even more acquainted

Now that I have your attention, let’s get right to it.

What exactly is Börser?

As depicted above and as indicated on the official website of Börser, Börser is a cryptocurrency backed by shares of Börser S.A, their holding company which offers you the exciting opportunity to take part in three different projects. Börser S.A holds shares of three companies – Mi Wall Street, which specialises in providing high quality financial services previously reserved for major corporations, to the small investor, CrowdingFunds, a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform for investors all over the world, and X-Change, which enables clients to seamlessly transfer Börser’s cryptocurrency into fiat currency for a very low fee.

In addition, in the growing cryptocurrency market, Börser is guided and developed by the unique product they have developed: an innovative and integrated solution of three companies.

The three companies in the industry offer comprehensive solutions for beginners, financial markets, carriers and everything else, as well as cheap exchange services. For this reason, Börser can solve common problems related to most encryption, including speed and security, and offer cheap transfer services. The Börser model can be adapted to a market of more than $ 1 trillion. We have a world-class advisory board and a team of experienced professionals in cryptocurrency, financial markets, venture capital and stock markets.

The Vision

Börser believes that the group of companies has the potential to completely change financial markets, remittance services, and the way capital is raised as we know it today. By utilizing blockchain technology, Börser will create a sophisticated investment vehicle that will entirely disrupt the market and create a new generation of cryptocurrencies backed by real assets. Using this innovative technology, Börser will provide new and unique services that will allow consumers to again a higher quality of life.

The Mission

To create a fintech company that uses blockchain technology as the structural base to allow for the creation of companies that provide real-life innovative solutions in the fields of money transfer, wealth generation, venture capital, and crowdfunding, all while redesigning the concept of cryptocurrency.

The Solution according to the official website of Börser - Why Börser is so important in today's cryptosphere!

Crowdingfunds, the first crowdfunding platform embracing projects from all over the world by using initial coin offering (icos) funding procedure. With crowdfunding, Börser addressed the issue of crowdfunding platforms only servicing companies within their jurisdiction by relying on blockchain technology. Entrepreneurs can now create a token of their own using Börser's proprietary cryptocurrency and launch ICOs to potential investors using börser’s platform.

MI Wall street acts as an investment hub, offering small investors an array of financial services previously reserved only for major corporations and investors. To minimize costs and ensure all of Börser investor clients have access to bespoke quality trading signals, forex, and stock brokerage as well as managed accounts, Börser turned MI wall street into a network marketing franchise-style corporation.

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Börser addressed the remittance issue by launching x-change which will facilitate smooth, accurate and cost-efficient exchange between fiat currency and börser’s cryptocurrency. With x-change, you can create a virtual wallet and link it to a debit card to transfer money with ease and for free. Börser also offers automatic integration to x-change which means that by creating ICOs on the Börser platform, you’ll also have your tokens automatically incorporated into x-change!

Instead of providing partial solutions to individual problems, Börser adopted a different, big-picture approach by creating a holding company and a cryptocurrency, Börser aims to not just take advantage of the crypto boom but offer a comprehensive, direct solution to a whole array of existing problems, related to start-ups, financial markets and the crypto space itself. Börser is a holding company, currently holding shares to three separate organizations, all providing solutions to major financial issues.

About The Börser Platform

By using distributed ledgers, the Börser plaorm seamlessly integrates with the value addition capability of the financial industry by introducing a revolution in the investment landscape of the financial sector.

Börser utilizes a novel incentive mechanism that is known as the Börser token. The Börser token keeps updated information on the Börser network. With the use of a Börser token, a transparent ecosystem is formed, thereby ensuring that trustworthy data can be provided to interested pares who want to access the system.

Börser is introducing the most advanced means of tackling the challenge of efficient and effective financial investment through the use of blockchain technology. Börser utilizes the Ethereum platform for its development. Ethereum is an open-source programming platform designed for distributed programming, as well as smart contract capability. With the use of Ethereum, a proof-of-work algorithm is also enabled, and the inclusion of proof-of-work in the Börser platform enhances the level of security available for users.

Below are the incredible Partners involved in the Börser project:

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About The Börser Token

Börser is an ERC-20 reward, which means it is an active contract that implements the ERC-20 forum requirement. The token allocation uses the active smart contract standard which ensures that all token allocation remains unchanged. After listing on several exchanges, market prices will determine the price of the token without any interference or manipulations. The estimate delivery of 99,000,000 Börser tokens will certainly be recognized.

Token Details

Ticker - BOR

Platform - Ethereum.

Accepts - Fiat, cryptocurrency

Value 1 BOR= 1USD ( $0.5-Private Deal, $0.8-Pre Deal).

Token supply-100,000,000.

Soft Cap - $5,000,000.

Hard Cap - $32,000,000.

Currencies: BTC, USD, ETH

Distribution of tokens goes thus:

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Speed, security, transparency: enjoy faster blockchain transactions and unmatched security thanks to Börser’s cutting-edge technology and expert team.

Börser offers the very first cryptocurrency backed up by shares of a holding company.

Börser is the first holding company to create its own proprietary cryptocurrency.

In a booming cryptocurrency market, Börser has traction and momentum thanks to the one-of-a-kind product that Börser have designed: an innovative, integrative solution consisting of shares of three companies.

The three companies under the umbrella provide comprehensive solutions for start-ups, financial markets, traders and everything in between, as well as low-fee currency exchange services.

Because of that, Börser can solve the issues shared by most cryptocurrencies, including speed and security, in addition to offering low-cost remittance services.

Börser’s model is highly scalable in a market worth over $1 trillion.

Börser rely on a world-class advisory board and professional team with expertise in cryptocurrency, financial markets, venture capitals, and exchanges.


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Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://borser.cr/

Whitepaper: https://borser.cr/docs/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BORSERcr

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BORSERcr

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ISDMclNeM7kMXq0Qwt0eXw

Medium: https://medium.com/@borser.cr

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/BORSER-cr

Github: https://github.com/BORSER-cr

Bounty0x Username: TheMichaelMatch

Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1326035

Disclaimer: This article was published in terms of the bounty campaign. I am not a project team member or its representative but a supporter of this incredible project.
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