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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


About Excalibur Os
A Revolution OS For Computer Systems Like Never Before.
An Operating System Designed for PC’s & Laptops, which will solve the issue of Viruses and Data Theft by its unique method of data security system, and additionally it solves second major issue of System users in which the users can now experience several platforms application on Excalibur OS, which means application files from major OS Like “Android, Windows, Mac, iOS & Linux” will be supported by Excalibur Operating System.
Benefits are the rewards to token holders who have invested in our Business Model or on Tokens. We’ll be providing different type of benefit to token holders that are described below

Market Price of ICO will be increasing in near future, which will be a benefit for token holders as per the point of view of trading.
Operating System BETA Version will be initially be launched for Token Holders in 1st Quarter of 2019.
Mining Management would be very easy by Excalibur OS.
No more expensive fees for Antivirus
Tokens can be sold internationally over the internet
Tokens have a liquidity premium (>1000X improvement in time-to-liquidity)
Transparency of use of funds, an escrow can be used to verify how the funds are being spent after the ICO.
Early contributors will have more liquidity in early stage companies.
Early access to a token which has the potential for rapid capital growth
Contributors are usually the first users of the token – thus unlike holding a stock of a company whose products a contributor never used, ironically our tokens can be more tangible than securities.
XOS token will be released on the basis of Ethereum and Bitcoin platform. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.

2014, Q-4: Project Idea Was Proposed
2015, Q-1: The Team Was Build & Development Of Excalibur OS Was Started
2015, Q-4: Kernal Development Was Finished In The Month Of October
2016, Q-1: User Interface Got Ready In February.
2016 Q-2: Virus Protection System For Excalibur OS Was Built.
2016, Q-3: Team Started working on Majon Part i.e. All Platforms Power in a Single Platform.
2017, Q-3: Platform Development Was Finished
2018, Q-1: Mining Management System Development Was Started
2018, Q-2: Excalibur OS Got Official Existence.
2018, Q-3: PRE ICO In September 2018
2018, Q-4: ICO, & Testing on BETA Version
2019, Q-1: BETA Version of Excalibur OS will be releasing & token will be available for trading
2019, Q-3: BETA Version With Artificial Intelligence (AI) like SIRI & Cortana
2019, Q-4: The BETA Version with Next Update will be launched that is Virtual Reality.

Website: https://excaliburos.com/
Whitepaper: http://excaliburos.com/whitepaper/Excalibur-OS-whitepaperv1.1.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032767
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OsExcalibur
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExcaliburOS/
Telegram: https://t.me/excaliburico


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