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Mix Rent

Mix.Rent is undoubtedly a worldwide blockchain-based industry for booking and posting automobiles. The system provides been operating since 2017. The services are obtainable in the USA presently, Russia, Canada, South America and is usually planning to end up being released in Sydney. The system unites owners of several automobiles and renters, allowing people both to Rent out and Rent cars from owners at favorable prices. The task has collected even more than 6000 products of automobiles with daily reservations in different metropolitan areas. Two traders have spent on the task
The history of transport is one of technological innovation mostly. Developments in technology possess allowed people to travel further, explore even more area, and broaden their impact over bigger and bigger cities. In ancient times also, new equipment such as feet coverings, skis, and snowshoes extended the distances that could end up being traveled. As innovations and discoveries had been used to transportation problems, travel period reduced while the capability to move even more and more significant loads elevated. Change proceeds as transportation experts are functioning to discover new methods to decrease costs and boost transport performance.

Market problems
Despite globalization and the ubiquity of the Internet, along with new solutions (technology platforms) that unite owners and tenants, the market still faces many unsolved problems.

For tenants

There is no platform for renting various types of vehicles.
At the moment there is no single global platform that would allow customers to rent various types of vehicles around the world; for example, today you rent a car in Beijing, and in a few days you ride a rented bike in Thailand. Not only will you have to look for different rental platforms, you will not have the opportunity to compare offers from different companies. That is why today this process takes a lot of time.

High probability of losing part of your deposit
Anyone who has ever tried to rent a car knows that the amount of the deposit can be really big. The deposit itself is fully justified, but customers want to get a guarantee of its return. At the moment, there are often cases when tenants cheat owners who, under any pretext, refuse to return either the entire deposit or part of it. Since much of the reservation is made across borders, the parties are often located in different jurisdictions. This means that tenants bear an increased risk of non-reimbursement, since the legal costs of collecting a deposit in this case may be greater than the amount of the lost deposit.

High tourist rent
According to statistics, about 30% of all payments for rental cars are made by tourists. In most cases, their bank cards are issued in a currency other than the seller, which creates a number of inconveniences. Such payments are processed through international payment systems, so payment transactions, especially in a foreign country, may take several days. Moreover, during processing, the payment amount can be converted several times, which also leads to additional costs for tourists.

Tenants do not know what kind of car they will get
At the moment, the rental market allows you to choose a class of car, rather than a specific model with its unique functions. In this regard, rental companies often list photos of their best vehicle from the class, and then offer a different model. As a result, you will not get the expected vehicle.

There is no comparable rating for choosing the best deal. The car rental market is fragmented, so customers choose the best deal. To compare several different options, users must find the various sites of different rental companies and familiarize themselves with their unique conditions. Even worse - the situation when someone wants to rent a car abroad. It takes a lot of time tenants and does not allow you to quickly make a smart choice.

For owners
There is no convenient car rental platform.
Until recently, vehicle owners had no idea that they could rent their car as easily as rent on the housing market. A simple car, which is not used on a daily basis, can bring its owner additional income only from its rental. For example, a motorboat owner uses it every weekend, but the rest of the 5 days the boat sits idle. All this time the motorboat could be available for rent.However, the development of the sharing economy has begun to change this perception, but for car rental owners it is a difficult and long-term process.Owning a vehicle is not enough. You have to spend time and money on creating a website and your own mobile application, advertise your car, be constantly available and have free time for offline meetings with tenants. Otherwise, to attract customers is very difficult. In addition, all rental operations must be performed manually, i.e. problems with the payment of the car, with the deposit and its return.

No platform helps to attract new customers.
Today there is no platform in the rental market that can generate a stream of customers at a reasonable price. Most often, owners are forced to win sales themselves, spending money on marketing campaigns that are often ineffective. Organizing these campaigns takes time; instead, this time could be spent on improving the service.

No vehicle owners rating
Due to the lack of a single rating system, customers often have little confidence in small companies. In the end, renting a car means that you need to provide personal data and bank card details or leave a large cash deposit. All this greatly reduces the willingness of customers to rent cars from private small rental offices.

Low confidence in tenants
A similar situation on the part of vehicle owners. Rental companies know almost nothing about their customers, so they should include high risks in the rental price. These problems allow major international players to significantly overload the rent, virtually monopolizing the market, which significantly reduces the number of people who want to use the services.

Mix.Rent is a working solution
To date, Mix.rent offers users a fully operational marketplace for car rentals: blockchain functions for ease of renting and security, options for listing private cars, communication within the platform, and other options.

Our way to solve the problem
Because of its current organization in the rental market there are some problems. The technological solution offered by Mix.Rent will facilitate access to this market for small companies and vehicle owners and allow them to earn money from their unused assets. The biggest advantage of blockchain technology is that it solves the main problem of the industry, which is a low level of trust between market participants.

What tenants receive:
Solution that guarantees payment of reimbursement of deposits using smart contracts
The platform locks the deposit and automatically returns it, if there are no problems with the lease. If there is a problem, the dispute opens and the platform administrator intervenes. To solve such problems, the Mix.Rent platform provides a system of intelligent contracts that will make your money safe; MIX Tokens will save customers from having to provide their bank details.

Lower fees and faster transaction processing using cryptocurrency payments
Using MIX Token, you can avoid problems with multiple currency conversion options and handling long payments; the token will reduce the fee and improve service for the client.

The ability to select a specific vehicle from the detailed information available on the platform
Since the owner creates a profile for each specific vehicle, rather than simply describing a class, customers can receive confirmed information about each vehicle and its condition, as well as view actual photos.

The possibility of renting various types of vehicles worldwide on one platform
Since there are many cars from all over the world available on one single website, customers can plan various combinations of rental cars and places to travel.

reliable rating system that allows users to choose the best deals
You can compare car owners based on reviews and ratings on Mix.Rent and choose the best offer.Which owners get:

Convenient platform for rental income
Owners no longer need to create a website and mobile app to start making rental income. Having filled out just a few fields of information and photos in an intuitive interface, you can quickly start earning even if you only have one car.

Effective tools to attract customers
Rental companies do not have to spend money on expensive marketing campaigns to work through Mix.Rent. Simply list information about your vehicles on the platform. Mix.Rent not only helps to significantly simplify the work for current market participants, but also gives users the opportunity to attract more customers for less money.

Rating system makes owners more reliable
Thanks to a single rating system and reviews, rental companies are becoming more reliable in the minds of customers. Customers are less afraid of losing their personal data for small companies.

A rating that tells you more about tenant reliability
Landlord rating is calculated to help owners learn more about their customers. For the first time, owners are provided with a driver’s license and tenant’s place of residence, as well as rental history, rating and reviews of previous owners. This option helps car owners to show more confidence and offer individual options to customers by their rating. All this will lead to a decrease in rental prices on the market and further rapid development of the model of the economy of exchange.

How Mix.Rent is Different
Customer orientation is our priorityOur main value is to make the platform user friendly. Mix.Rent helps users to quickly select the location, type of vehicle and adjust the necessary parameters. In addition, our service will show the rating of the company owner, which is formed on the basis of feedback from previous orders.

Unique offers from owners
Tenants are provided with exclusive offers from owners, that is, unique, stylish cars and motorcycles with their unique personalities; individual yachts; trailers and RVs that can lead you to different events and countries; and rare helicopter models. Such offers cannot be found at regular rental companies.

Profitable offerMix
Rent saves time and money for its customers. The platform provides a discount on long-term rental. Moreover, due to the complete transparency of the platform and the ability to compare all the offers, our prices are 25% cheaper than the large rental companies.

Easy to listMix
Rent breaks all obstacles that make renting more difficult than ever. When you create a car profile, the platform displays average market prices and expected monthly income from your car. This is the first time that a market analysis and a preliminary assessment of earnings were made so quickly and conveniently.Listing and creating a profile for your company can be obtained for a small fee. The owner simply needs to fill in a few fields and upload photos to get his first customers and start earning.In addition, owners have the opportunity to promote their cars in our system in order to receive more orders.

How the rental mix platform works
Today, Mix.Rent as a car rental platform unites owners and tenants, helping to rent vehicles and save time and money.The platform offers car owners the following options:

quick and easy list
calculation of expected profit
renting the most profitable cars
Creation of the company's reputation and brand
helping to run a business quickly and easily
risk assessment for each client
To date, the service is available with both desktop and mobile versions. In the near future, the platform will have mobile apps based on iOS and Android. Every day on the platform presents new vehicles, applications and orders.

In the future, we will add mobile apps based on iOS and Android, a web service for widgets on travel and partner sites and APIs.What increases the cost of the Mix token?The growth of any token requires stable demand and interest from new investors immediately after the sale of Token. The lack of demand devalues

the token. You can see this in various projects where the product development process is long, or business owners do not plan on how to popularize their token.As we increase the value of the token:

Limited token release
Since the number of tokens is limited to only 100 million, which should be released, we count on deflation if the token becomes popular. European economic schools claim that since deflation occurs at all levels of production or the provision of services, entrepreneurs and investors can benefit. Price deflation encourages people to accumulate wealth, and the amount of money saved will increase capital and create the necessary incentive for entrepreneurs to invest.

Using tokens to pay for platform services
The Mix utility icon will be used on the platform as a means to pay for a popular service, that is, a car rental. The platform will constantly offer users the ability to use tokens for discounts, bonuses, promotions and additional options.

Car rental payment
This option will only be available for MIX token holders. The tenant will be able to rent a car, boat, yacht and other types of vehicles on a platform for tokens at a discount. The platform will choose the best discounts and bonuses available for tokens.

Pay loyalty with tokens
The loyalty program will operate before, during and after the ICO. We reward all users who share their experiences and share information through their social networking accounts and websites. At the same time, we popularize platform services and create a loyal community.

Tokens will be issued as a bonus for using the service, participating in contests, writing reviews, attracting new customers and promoting the platform.

Website: https://mixrent.io/
Whitepaper: https://mixrent.io/documents/wp_en.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032670
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032590
Telegram: https://t.me/mixrent
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mix.rent.team
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MixRent


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