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6 лет назад



Viva’s innovative technology uses Ethereum smart contracts to underwrite and securitize private home loans into Fractionalized Mortgage Shares (FMS) which can easily be bought and sold on the Viva FMS Exchange (a Secondary Market Exchange) application.The Viva Network allows investors to crowdfund mortgages of home buyers from anywhere in the world, making the process quicker and easier for homebuyers. Viva enables the free market to determine the rate of interest on a borrower’s mortgage and removes the need for banks and other financial intermediaries. By eliminating inefficiencies in local financial systems, mortgage rates will more fairly and accurately reflect the level of risk associated with the asset’s true value. With the ability to efficiently access the free market, both parties will now be able to capitalize on international interest rate arbitrage and obtain lower interest rate mortgages and higher returns on investments. This will all take place seamlessly on the Viva Platform


The Viva Platform, an application providing access to exclusive, innovative and first-to-market network applications designed to improve and revolutionize the mortgage financing process. The Viva platform will consist of applications that will be continually evolving, improving and updating to cater to end user’s needs and preferences over time. In addition to the proprietary mortgage financing system, the platform will include applications that provide artificially intelligent capabilities like the Real Value 2.0 Home Valuation App, and other applications that improve upon fundamental aspects of the borrowing/lending process. These range from decentralized property appraisal software, credit risk assessment systems, and macro-data analytical tools. The Viva Platform will run on an elastic cloud platform providing big data processing capabilities, resilience, and scalability.

Use cases

The viva network is useful in different cases which includes:

1.Mortgage Seeker

2.Private/Institutional Investors

3.Mortgage Arbitrage


Financial inclusion is financial system where individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs – transactions, payments, savings, credit and insurance – delivered in a responsible and sustainable way. A lack of financial inclusion is the single greatest barrier holding back residents of third world countries from advancing in the global economy. A large portion of the world’s population does not have access to financial systems that are financially inclusive which perpetuates economic inequality. In many cases, highly credit-worthy individuals. Financial inclusion opens up opportunities for economic advancement that perhaps no other intervention can, and has a significant impact on a family unit’s ability to grow wealth and pass on inheritance. Viva can open possibilities for millions of people in the world who have been subjected to unfair credit evaluation based on their geographic location, by entitling all of its users to the four pillars of financial inclusion.


The global mortgage fixed income market is worth approximately USD $31 trillion. Despite that huge amount of money, credit investing does not typically garner the same attention that equity investing does as it is largely restricted to institutional investors. In modernizing mortgage lending with blockchain technology, Viva will generate much deserved interest and excitement for the traditionally stale mortgage lending industry. Despite the lack of attention, the fixed income market is twice that of equities. Investment opportunities that generate an uncomplicated, consistent, and predictable return on investment are a no-brainer so it is inevitable that those who can access the mortgage market will do so with enthusiasm. Home mortgages are among the least complicated and stable of all credit instruments. Furthermore, debt that has been collateralized by homes generates the single highest yield, relative to risk, of any other class of fixed income security. When access to a market is restricted to a relatively small group, it opens the door to negative outcomes. In 2008, exotic and highly levered mortgage backed securities–created and understood only by a small cabal of Wall Street executives–sank the world’s economy. The irresponsible, unethical, and even allegedly unlawful actions of the investment banks demonstrate the importance of decentralizing a market as large and important as the mortgage market. Viva will take the power back from large institutions and put it in the hands of individuals. A free market that pairs lenders with borrowers who enter into an uncomplicated, unlevered mortgage agreement avoids the problems that led to the 2008 crisis. Viva will pioneer the decentralization of the mortgage financing industry by allowing the free market to dictate how much a mortgage is really worth.


Viva Mortgage Platform

The Viva Mortgage Platform™ is a crowdfunding platform that allows users to originate their mortgage capital requirement by connecting them with thousands of lenders from all around the world. Streamlining the traditional process and, for the first time, introducing international capital to borrowers in regions with inefficient credit systems. The Viva Mortgage Platform™ allows users to apply for a mortgage from the free market, completely eliminating the need to rely on financial intermediaries, banks, and other expensive middlemen.


1.Faster loan approval process

2.You set the terms & you set the rate in term of interest rate

3.More options means more competition for local banks

4.Fiat currency transactions

Fractional Mortgage Share Protocol

Fractional Mortgage Share Portocol is a smart contract system, operating on the Ethereum blockchain, that provides the tools and framework for the Viva Network members to easily and conveniently tokenize their individual mortgage contract into thousands of Fractional Mortgage Shares Fractional Mortgage Share Protocol™ is a smart contract system, operating on the Ethereum blockchain, that provides the tools and framework for the Viva Network members to easily and conveniently tokenize their individual mortgage contract into thousands of Fractional Mortgage Shares (FMS).

By using FMSP to tokenize your mortgage, we create thousands of tokenized mortgage bonds that serve as profitable and collateralized investment vehicles. This means, by tokenizing your mortgage and selling these tokens to global investors, they can earn interest on their investment, and you can get a mortgage for lower interest rates – and without going to the bank.

The current banking model is not only outdated and extremely inconvenient but in many countries around the world its corrupt, monopolistic or even inaccessible.

As a society, we’ve come to accept stories about large banks manipulating interest rates, using our savings to earn returns of their own.

FMSP is a protocol that decentralizes this power held by large financial corporations, and redistributes their profits.


VIVA Tokens (“VIVA”) are Ethereum blockchain based ERC20 tokens, designed to provide utility within The Viva Network Platform’s exclusive applications. VIVA will initially be distributed, to early believers of our vision for The Viva Network Platform, as recognition of contributions made during the Token Generation Event.

Token Generation Event Rules

1 To participate in the token sale, participants must visit https://vivanetwork.org.

2 The only accepted contribution for the Token Generation Event is Ethereum (all other digital currencies [cryptocurrencies] sent to the address provided will result in a loss of that currency.)

3 Participants must send Ethereum from the address which they want to receive the VIVA tokens. This cannot be from an exchange. All Ethereum sent from an exchange will result in the loss of your VIVA tokens.

4 If there are any undistributed VIVA tokens at the conclusion of the Token Generation Event, they will automatically be burned via the smart contract system.

5 The hard cap for the Early Contribution Period is 6,870 ETH. The contributions resulting from the Token Generation Event will assist The Viva Network with the development, marketing, promotion, and other efforts that are intended to quickly add value to the project and promote the Token Generation Event (ie. Legal advisory fees, costs associated with patents, marketing, MVP production, and further product development.)

6 The hard cap for the Main Contribution Period is: 68,770 ETH.


Website: http://www.vivanetwork.org/

Whitepaper: http://www.vivanetwork.org/pdf/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/Wearethevivanetwork

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheVivaNetwork

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VivaNetworkOfficial/

Medium: https://medium.com/@VivaNetworkThread

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3430485.0

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