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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

"New World Order 2.0" conspiracy thoughts blockchain and bitcoin.

conspiracy thoughts blockchain and bitcoin

An eternal question that everyone asks is why we live here. What global mission makes us eat, sleep and propagate ourselves? Bacteria-like world population have been filling in our planet. Until more recent time I thought that humanity’s mission was to extract treasures of the soil from earth interior. To this purpose petroleum refining and quarry reclamation made use of internal-combustion engines. However, the growth in population size fell behind this theory.

Today the puzzle is pieced together. In unprecedented surge of IT technology AI projects are getting extremely popular and people willingly invest into ICO and similar. Moreover, artificial intelligence is among technologies protected by the government. Blockchain technology fueled this revolution and, in summary, it has resolved the mystery and reveals to the humanity what the descent of man is for.

Fiat money bubbles are overinflated and will blow out in the near future. When all bitcoins are mined the currency exchange rate will likely come up to 1 satoshi for 1 USD. I won’t be surprised if bitcoin or supranational currency, which International Monetary Fund is now talking about, would become that thorn which will pinch it.

In a little while we will switch to the internet of next generation. Tomorrow AI and blockchain will take the human element out of business in different fields of our life activities. Their smooth operation will require hefty computational capacities. Nowadays a vast majority use computers and mobile phones. All these devices would operate as common computing environment and this network would be transformed into a giant computer capable to solve Herculean tasks. Computational capacities are constantly increased while mining pools and private farms are joining the network to produce various crypto-currencies.

Likewise processes can be seen in human brain. We use thought forms and our ideas are made of matter. By the way, cryptoworld cannot be logically assessed and this may explain the fact that women more often succeed and achieve maximal results there while the society is taking up feminists’ position. Machines cannot think but they can be taught. Perhaps, in the nearest future our brain will be integrated into AI and then the Earth would use this super symbiosis as a uniform ecosystem to solve problems of cosmic scale.

Valera Dimant

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