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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Social networks today are quite different. No, there are networks of broad specialization, like Facebook or Twitter, but there are also those that close other niches. Today we will talk about one of such networks, which offers one user to share his reviews about products, services, visual and other products for a fee.

Greetings to you, dear readers. I am always glad to share with you the most promising ideas and start-ups from the world of crypto-currencies. They are created in order to facilitate our life with you and to change the world in the future.

What is Blinked?
Flickering is an online person to person communication referral organize perpetuated running by a convivial event of qualified individuals who surrender customers to 90 percent of advancing salary. People gain 90 percent of their emolument by being dynamic referrals. Your emolument will depend upon how dedicated you are, and people simply offer their most adored things, spots, organizations, and distinctive things that intrigue them. For prizes, people exchange their triumphs in gleaming bolt predicated weaponry. Ergo, the people keep running with flickering tokens (BLKD).
Problem and solution
Social networks today virtually all the monetization of user content are left to themselves. Despite the fact that we see advertised advertising on Facebook alongside our posts, we do not get a penny from it. Even social networks with reviews (for example, Yelp, where users share their experience about interacting with hotels), and such content, it would seem, is easy to monetize, it does not.

Yes, some users have learned to monetize their content and with such rules of the game, but this requires a large audience already in operation.

Blinked solves this problem, allowing you to earn any user, regardless of experience, the size of the audience, the desire to write on a particular topic. We watched an interesting film, listened to a good song — share in Blinked! If someone likes it — he will appreciate it and you will get your Blinked Gold (BGZD).

For example, the same Facebook (and we do not stop contacting it today) earned 40.7 billion dollars for advertising previews in video for 2017. How many users have received this? I think you yourself can give an answer to this question.

This report is orchestrated just for the person(s) who were reached straightforwardly by Blinked and it’s anything but an offer to offer or a requesting to purchase any advanced resources. It contains data that is private and special. On the off chance that you have gotten this report in mistake if it’s not extravagant trouble apprise the sender and efface this record. The supply of Blinked (BLKD) token is guided by the accompanying monetary guidelines expected to assure stable development in its esteem. At the season of the token deal, the supply of the Blinked (BLKD) token is settled to a foreordained measure of 1 billion. Any incipient Blinked (BLKD) token won’t be issued (stamped) except if the mazuma cognate shade (the distinction between integrate up to tokens issued and the tokens in dynamic dissemination) is depleted. After this transpires, the supply of incipient Blinked (BLKD) token increments inelastically (i.e., in constrained sum that does not surpass interest for incipient tokens), subject to the following tops:
• Revenue top. The development rate of the tokens ought not to surpass the publicizing income development + x%.
• Inflation top.
The development rate of the tokens ought not to surpass the development in detached BG credits (i.e., BG credits never utilized) + the development of BG credits spent inside + y%. These tenets guarantee that the supply of Blinked (BLKD) token elongates and takes into account a direct swelling rate that makes extra incomes without establishing disintegration of the estimation of the token.

In conclusion it is worth noting. Blinked strive to make advertising more effective for potential customers. The developers of the project intend to unite advertisers and users of the Blinked platform who will receive rewards for their recommendations on the platform.
This article was written to the best of our knowledge with the information available to us. We do not guarantee that every bit of information is completely accurate or up-to-date. Please use this information as a complement to your own research. Nothing we write in any of our articles is intended as investment advice nor as an endorsement to buy/sell/hold anything. Cryptocurrency investments are inherently risky so you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Website: https://www.blinked.live/

Whitepaper: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5aa115bf7e3c3ae292046820/t/5b6ed2ea575d1febd1f16862/1533989631460/BlinkedWhitePaper-FinalAugust2018.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/blinked_app

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlinkedApp/

Telegram: https://t.me/Blinked_App


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