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5 лет назад

BatMine : creating the most advanced, profitable, fastest crypto currency mine that ever existed

There is no doubt that cryptocurrency mining cost a lot most especially in terms of energy consumption. There are lot of estimation that the mining operations in crypto space are consuming more than electricity power needed in most of the small countries. This is as a relsult of of some cryptocurrenies such as Bitcoin required running energy-hungry mining systems 24 hours a day and mostly consumed as a stead stream of 1400W of electricity. For example, The government of Iceland has warned that they are running out of resources to feed the endless demand for more energy for mining operations. In fact, they have stated that if they allowed every investor or company that wanted to start such an operation to do so, they would be totally unable to keep up with the demand.

The amount of energy that crypto miners used yearly is more than enough to power small countries with less population. Obviously, Bitcoin mining energy consumption is huge and alarming. But then, one wonders, why should this be, considering Bitcoin and other cryptos are digital?

Batmine provides alternatives solution to energy consumption

#BatMine aims to become the most profitable crypto mine in existence. They combine safe, predominantly European locations, an excellent team, low cost, mostly green energy, unrivalled hash power of up to 55 TH/s for their BTC miners, and LTC miners with the best cost/performance ratio. They optimize switching between the currencies they mine to maximize the yield of the BatMine for all of us. Apart from using their hash power you can also use your own! You can buy their miners and run them at their BatMine location. All proceeds minus a fee for electricity, operation, service and management are yours. Their safety, low cost electricity and high hash rate will make your mining significantly more profitable.

Location, guaranteed profit sharing, low electricity cost, and high hash power. Most mines are located in countries with difficult or even hostile environments. Things can change there, and fast. Their mines will be located in the European Union, one of the most crypto mining friendly and stable regions in the world. Unlike any other prior mine, or ICO in fact, they offer legally binding and legally valid profit sharing. Their Investment contract, closed between #BatMine and the investor under Czech (European) Law, guarantees Investors‘ right on profit sharing. To date many ICOs regretfully did not distribute promised profit sharing due to ‚legal force major‘ and ‚legislation issues‘. With BatMine you can be sure you get your share of the profit. Their hash power is up to 55Th/sec, nearly the double of the Antminer S9 used almost everywhere in the existing mines. They co-developed the technology and feel very confident that all above factors will result in increased profits for all stakeholders.

#BatMine team has come to the decision of the final ICO dates. These dates are final and will not change in the future.
The Dates are as follows:

01.4–28.4 Whitelist Registration
03.5–13.5 Whitelist Round
15.5–20.5 Crowd Round Phase 1
20.5–25.5 Crowd Round Phase 2
25.5–28.5 Crowd Round Phase 3
28.5–31.5 Crowd Round Phase 4

Why isn’t the Whitelist Registration not in February?

As they have said, they do monitor the Telegram channel closely, therefore they have noticed many pointing out the February date that was announced earlier. They did indeed announce that Whitelist Registration should be at the end of February. Nonetheless, from the time of this announcement they’ve started with important negotiations that could significantly increase the chance of making this project maximally successful and reach the Hard cap. Negotiations of this level are time-consuming, involving multiple people from both parties such as lawyers, economists, accountants, writers, directors etc., lengthy discussions and back and forth contracts re-writing. If they reach a satisfactory conclusion for both parties, these negotiations will be important for our BatMine marketing efforts and overall success of this project.

And that is the reason they have to postpone the Whitelist registration for one month. To give them time to reach the end of these discussions. And since BatMine will not run the Whitelist registration for more than a month in total, they’ve decided to postpone the registration to the first of April (1 month after the original date). They hope many will understand this decision, it was done with the best intentions to help the project reach its full potential

The BatMine Strategy

Due to the unregulated ICO landscape that caused investors in prior ICOs to either receive none of the promised token dividends, or outright lose money, BatMine has chosen for a business model that provides certainty and transparency to its contributors to the fullest extent.

The BATM tokens are provided to investors as a gift. The team will create 350 million ERC 20 compliant Utility tokens. For every ETH invested, as investor you receive 750 BATM tokens. Those tokens can be exchanged for any and all services and goods offered by BatMine.

After the successful ICO, BatMine plans to place a mining facility in the Czech Republic. The facility can house 12,000 miners of which up to 10,000 miners (depending on how much theyx raise) will be purchased from the proceeds of this ICO.

BatMine will be located in a location which:

  1. Is secure and allows for rapid response should anything happen;
  2. Has a cooler climate;
  3. Allows for sufficient, mostly green, energy supply at around 4 cents per kwh;
  4. Has the infrastructure required for a commercial mining operation.

The BatMine mining location will function as head office for all mining activities. A separate office will be opened in Prague, Sofia or other suitable city for day-to-day commercial operations. They believe that for several reasons including cost optimization and availability of multi-language speaking personnel, it will be better that the sales and customer service centers will be located in a capital city rather than a rural location where mining conditions are optimal for mining.

Benefits for investors include:

  • Profit sharing in all of the companies’ future profits for a period of 10 years (until March 2029),
  • Transferable Silent Partner Silent Partnership Agreements,
  • BATM Tokens as a gift for every 1 ETH invested plus bonuses,
  • Tokens can be exchanged for all services including packages for MaaS (hash power, electricity and related costs) and Custodial services packages,
  • Upon prior notification, the mine can be visited so that you can see the operation real-time
  • Monthly disbursement of profit share to investors.

BatMine Revenue Distribution

The BatMine revenue distribution model is simple and straightforward.
BatMine will generate revenues from:

  1. Mining of crypto currency,
  2. Mining-as-a-Service,
  3. Custodial Services,
  4. Hardware sales.
    The profit (income in mined cryptocurrency + received fiat/crypto -/- costs and tax reserve) is distributed as follows:
    • 30% is distributed to the Silent Partners that invested in the project, for a period of 10 years
    (until March 2029),
    • 30% is used to replace hardware,
    • 20% is used for further development of their own miners, and
    • 20% remains in the Company and will be used for other Company cost and expansion.

BatMine Profit Allocation


In case at times less hardware replacement or R&D costs are needed than the dedicated percentages of the distributable revenues, then these gains are shared 50-50 between the Silent Partners and BatMine. All revenues are distributed monthly on the 15th (or the first working day after) of the month following the previous calendar month. Revenues are distributed in the currency in which they are received from the market. Hence BTC revenue is paid in BTC, ETH in ETH, and EUR in EUR. If it will be possible they will develop smart contracts for automatic distribution

BatMine Fund Allocation


BatMine Token Allocation


Batmine Team

BatMine has assembled a team of entrepreneurs and experts with a proven track record to advise and develop the Company in building out their business. BatMine invested a lot of resources and time in finding the right business formula for the mine to become and remain profitable. Their team is very eager to implement that formula.

Key Team Members

Pius Lam – Founder & CEO

Pius has more than 25 years of experience in the IT & Telecommunication businesses, and data center operations. He is the Senior Partner at Hong Kong based investment banking boutique “Synergy Capital Partners Limited”. Pius has extensive experience in Pre-IPO Restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Rescues and Turnaround, Strategic Advisory, and Investor Relations services to growth companies. He is a strong leader with wide experience in setting up profitable companies in the USA, China and Europe. He holds a master’s degree in economics and Finance from SUNY - Binghamton University with a full scholarship. Pius is actively involved in the crypto industry since 2013. He will preside overall day-to-day operations which includes all sectors and fields of the business, including operations, marketing, business development, finance, human resources, etc. Besides reporting to the Board of the Directors, his main responsibility is to increase BatMine’s profitability and growth.

Dan H. Park - COO

Dan is an entrepreneur with significant executive experience in the Telecom- and IT sectors. As the Country Manager of a leading international telecom Company in Korea he developed solid management and organizational skills for setting up new ventures. He is active in the crypto industry since 2014 and has invested in bitcoin and other alt-coins ever since. Dan holds an MBA degree from Boston University. Besides overseeing the daily operations, his main focus is to execute the operational part of the business plan. He will maintain the workflows of the mining farms and decides which altcoins beside BTC should be mined in order to maximize the profits of the operations. Dan will also lead the development of new products and services in order to sustain a healthy ecosystem within the BatMine community.

Riva Yu – CFO

Riva is the Chief Financial Officer from BatMine. She is a CPA chartered finance professional with over 10 years of experience with large scale companies and leadership positions including CFO positions. Her previous experience includes financial accounting, management accounting, internal control audit & assurance, and system application controls. Within BatMine, Riva will be responsible for building a strong financial framework, corporate governance procedures, and accounting standards.

Richard Tang – Business Development Director

Richard is the Chairman and co-founder of ETN Singapore Private Limited, director & board member of Mobifone Global Singapore Pte Ltd, FutureTel Private Limited, TrustPay SG Pte Ltd, ETN Cambodia Investment Ltd & Future Engineering & Gold Mining Co., Ltd (Myanmar).
In his early career he was the regional manager in Keppel T&T covering Indo-China and Chief Operating Officer with a wholly owned listed Singapore listed subsidiary, Next-Generation Satellite Communications Ltd, Telemedia Communications Pte Ltd. Prior to these Mr. Tang founded Nuera Communications Asia Pacific, (a wholly owned subsidiary of USA, San Diego based Nuera Communications Inc., a subsidiary of Audiocode, Inc.) manufacturer of carrier class VoIP gateways and soft-switch. In early 2006, he also seeds funded two other VoIP sessions border controller and mediaservers’ developers in the USA, Sansay Inc. and Netsapiens Inc. respectively. Richard will drive the growth of BatMine commercially.

Olga Kuznetsova – Proposal Expert

Olga is a successful Proposal Manager with 18 years of IT experience including 12+ years of extensive experience in Federal Proposal Management providing direct management support for the delivery of high-quality, competitive Responses/Proposals to prospects within the U.S. public sector. Olga received her master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Kama Polytechnical Institute in Russia and moved to the US in 2001. She worked for the large US companies including Oracle and Equifax.

Silvie Tripes – Web design & Graphics

Silvie is an experienced web- and graphic designer with 10+ years of experience in web design, gaming creation- and marketing, corporate sales and graphic design. Silvie holds a master’s degree in Business Law from Masaryk University Brno. Silvie will ensure our website and online presence is professional, up to date and great looking.

Advisory Board Members

Kyle Wong – Blockchain Advisor

Kyle Wong, Ph.D. and CFA, is the Chief Operating Officer of the Blockchain Association of Hong Kong, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of blockchain technology in Hong Kong and to encourage its adoption in the financial market. The Association is one of the largest Blockchain organizations in Hong Kong. He is also the advisor to several blockchain projects, including Distributed Machine Learning (DML), which applies machine learning models to mobile devices while protecting users’ privacy using blockchain technology. DML successfully completed an ICO in April 2018. Kyle received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics from Cornell University. He received his B.S. degree in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also a trained Corda developer. Corda is a distributed ledger platform specially designed for the financial sector.

Tomas is a corporate and public Law expert with more than 25 years of legal experience in, among other, Company security policy, areas of legislation and criminal law, security procedures and processes – i.e. protection of personal data and identity, data traffic and location data, inside information, trade and bank secrets, electronic signature, conflict of interest, CCTV, biometrics, GDPR and ICO related legislation. Tomas has a master’s degree in business law from the University of Hradec Kralove and an MBA from the Prague International Business School.

Thomas Wong - IDC/Cloud Computing Advisor

Thomas has been active in the Networking- and telecommunications industry for over 30 years. He witnessed and experienced the transformation of IT industry from ATM/Frame relay to MSTP/MPLS; mainframe to PC and its recent evolvement to Cloud Computing. Thomas currently holds the position of Executive Director of One Asia Ltd., Prior to One Asia, he was
General Manager of Equinx (Nasdaq:Eqix) in China. Thomas is also one of the founders of Hogan Datacenter which was founded in 2007 as one of the first carrier neutral Datacenter with international standard in China.






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