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6 лет назад

Abot SKELPY Blockchain

The use of the blockchain technology system is usually adopted for commercialism activities that use payment systems in digital currencies. with an efficient and transparent system, users do not need to pocket bank approval in conducting transactions. This process is carried out using a decentralized blockchain system. Transactions square measure valid victimization digital signatures and dealing knowledge is hold on in a very digital info which will be accessed by anyone.

Payments using cryptocurrency are all done digitally. There is no involvement of fiat currency which usually requires the role of a third party, namely the bank, as a liaison. The various types of regulations applied to each bank generally complicate the process. But the payment system using cryptocurrency makes it easy for consumers to make payments directly to relevant sellers. Digital cryptography occupies the role of banks as patron of legitimate transactions.
In 2018, Skelpy was introduced to the general public as a decentralised and authorized blockchain platform. Founded first by the Skelpy Inc. company, the Skelpy platform helps produce a payment system through digital currencies in a very clear and absolutely decentralised manner. Based on blockchain technology, Skelpy provides certified digital wallets to every user. This is the main goal of the project initiated by Skelpy which can include every entrepreneur who has a certified digital identity.

SkelpySystem is a decentralized platform that serves the certification process and portfolio recognition on its platform. This system can facilitate establish the identity of the user World Health Organization created the dealing. Portfolios are recognized at the discretion of the rightful owner World Health Organization can then opt for the visibility of their portfolio.
Through this platform, Skelpy wants to make the blockchain fully decentralized and clear where transactions will be seen by all users. However, each user will be certified and approved first. So that it can enable transactions between users of this platform with certified digital wallets, whether owned by individuals or legal entities, or with digital wallets that are not certified.

The Skelpy Blockchain applies DPoS or Delegate Proof of Stake technology, wherever there ar fifty one nodes tasked with maintaining a vigorous web affiliation and functioning throughout the dealing method. DPoS technology itself is the last method to guarantee digital digital tokens by carrying out transaction processes and ensuring distributed management or recognized / recognized transactions without requiring the role of central authority. This system is an evolution of the PoS or Proof of Stake that allows the involvement of all network nodes. This system was developed with the aim of reducing prices and increasing potency in terms of electricity consumption within the captive or Proof of labor system, which is used by the Bitcoin digital currency. DPoS shows a robust, efficient and very reliable consensus algorithm in the blockchain network.

Because blockchain technology is decentralized, every ongoing process depends on the main or central system in its control. This system is digital and fully runs using the internet network.
DPoS technology utilized by this platform was adopted from the ARK project however wasn't a sidechain of the project. The Skelpy Blockchain is based on a solid and tested system that will continue to be improved to make it more functional in the future.

As mentioned earlier, this platform facilitates customers with certified digital wallets. The Skelpy system can acknowledge this notecase creating it potential to acknowledge users concerned within the dealing method supported the extent of authority determined by the notecase owner. Wallet is recognized as the rightful owner's policy. The notecase owner will decide the visibility of his notecase.

To recognize the wallet, the user needs to send an acknowledgment request to the other intended user, unless another user applies a "public" level of visibility that does not require an acknowledgment request. The level of visibility is split into three levels, specifically Public, Private, and Solo.

Through this technique, it'll be doable to acknowledge subjects concerned in transactions supported the extent of authority allowable by the notecase owner. Wallet is known at the discretion of the rightful owner WHO determines the visibility of his own notecase.
To recognize the notecase is needed to send AN acknowledgment request to the topic in question, except the "Public" level of visibility that doesn't need AN acknowledgment request.
Visibility level is divided into:

  • Public
  • Personal
  • Solo

The Skelpy Identity Card (SIC) can be used to get paid and recognized. After completing the introduction procedure through the Skelpy system, it is possible to ask SIC to go to a customer or Friend for a contact or payment address.
In fact, the QR code on the back of the card shows the wallet associated with the Skelpy blockchain certified person, so by showing the QR code on the card, you can pay the certified wallet owner.

In 2019, in the first quarter, Skelpy plans to launch MAINNET and ICO. In both activities, Skelpy can continue to expand its movements and introduce its platform better. At ICO, Skelpy provides an opportunity for every new user to buy their tokens. Skelpy is confident that he can provide the best service for each user and continues to move forward to realize the development of this platform. On one occasion, the leaders working behind the scenes of Skelpy were interviewed. Among them were Luigi Piccirillo and Nikita Zanella, each of whom was the founder and CEO and marketing and ICO manager.
In the ICO project, Luigi Piccirillo introduced himself as the founder and first developer of the Skelpy project. He is the type of person who cares for everything in detail and has great curiosity. he continues to work to build relationships with companies and people associated with the Skelpy project. He is also a person who makes decisions about projects and makes his team compact to jointly develop the Skelpy platform from time to time. He argues that Skelpy provides information in fields that have not been explored before.

For detailed information, please visit official :
Website : https://www.skelpy.co
Twitter : https://twitter.com/skelpycoin
Telegram : https://t.me/SkelpyCoin
Whitepaper : https://www.skelpy.co/pdf/whitepaper/Skelpy_whitepaper_en.pdf
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5054189.0

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0.277 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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