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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


In the modern era that we live in today, online activities are becoming increasingly and increasingly mainstreamed, the rise of the internet and various social media has become increasingly popular with the passage of time.
And people now can also earn income online using third-party websites or platforms such as freelance websites that allow people to earn income from completing certain tasks online. It can be on Facebook, on files such as Microsoft, and others. When the task is completed, the person making the assignment will pay the person who did and completed the task accordingly.

But there is a big problem here right now, Some task creators do not pay properly or do not pay at all to the person who completes the task he offers to do.

That's why, aQuest was created.

Like today's freelance companies, Aquest helps promote startup companies, sales or products or tasks, to the highest level by allowing users to be able to offer specific tasks to participants.
But the biggest difference here is that trust will not be a problem on the platformQuest because once the task has been completed, the smart contract will be triggered to make payments for the task executor to get the payment in the form of AQU tokens which is a sign that is based on erc-20.

This will be the first automatic payment solution for digital tasks.
Trust issues are things on the internet. If aQuest can solve problems related to the automatic payment system when performing online tasks, it can be very large.

to summarize, this extraordinary project was made possible by Enkronos.
Enkronos is a company that developed "aQuest" to enable people to earn income from completing tasks from the platform and will make automatic payments triggered through smart contracts which is a good thing because trust will not be a problem anymore.

**For detailed information, please visit official : **

Posted by: appdeal

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