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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

CAUSEE - Decentralized Investment First-To-Market Gamification Shopping Platform Supporting Causes

Although this revolution gained wide acceptance, Causee.com whose goal was to generate revenue through a shopping platform, which in turn provided revenue for the Causee, stakeholders, employees, beneficiaries, and communities where the Causee partners arrived.
With that being said, Causee.com combines an exclusive gift randomization algorithm using blockchain, combining e-commerce solutions, social platforms and fundraising components. By combining these attributes, Causee.com will become the Supporting Platform for the First-To-Market Gamification Platform.


Causee.com combines proprietary randomization gift algorithms that utilize the blockchain, combining e-commerce solutions, social platforms and fundraising components. By combining these attributes, Causee.com will become the Supporting Platform for the First-To-Market Gamification Platform.

CAUSEE's goal is to generate revenue through a shopping platform, which in turn provides revenue for Causee, stakeholders, employees, the causes of beneficiaries, and communities that are partners of Causee. Focus on increasing cash flow per share in the long run. To achieve this, Causee will maintain and grow margins, driven by innovation and leadership; while managing our operations efficiently to include capital allocation with discipline and thoroughness; and enhance partnerships as competitive advantages.


CAUSEE's vision through innovation as illustrated on CAUSEE's official STEALTHPAPER, is to reshape the way people shop and contribute to all types of causes globally. This idea consists of changing habits when making purchases and giving awards to consumers for their efforts. To capture the audience, we have added a game component that will begin the engagement needed to begin the transformation of this habit.

According to the CAUSEE official website, the problems and solutions offered apply as follows:
CAUSEE Problem Seeks to Solve

  • Ordinary consumer purchasing options
  • Vendor margins are manipulated by costs
  • Vendor chargeback vendor
  • KYV Consumers (Get to know your Vendor)
  • Purchase Protection
  • Guaranteed Sales Vendor
  • Consumer Purchase Discounts

Solution Provided

  • Consumers can buy goods and services without spending money
  • There are no transaction fees
  • There are no chargebacks
  • All vendors are verified and authenticated
  • 100% Satisfaction and Guaranteed Delivery
  • Only a platform to guarantee sales
  • Opportunities for discounts of more than 90% for each item offered for sale

Token Overview

Each Cause token has ownership rights to share cause.com revenue. Tokens themselves have similar security attributes, currencies, and bonds. This combination gives investors the opportunity to appreciate profits in tokens and share revenue from gross income.

About Framework Tokens

Removing the exclusivity concerned in investment in innovative opportunities is our goal. By democratizing our platform, we open the door for investors to participate and own shares in the revenue generated from the first eCommerce gamification shopping platform marketed. Investors can obtain these rights only by using various forms of crytpo and fiat currencies.

To remove volatility, each token carries a minimum quarterly payment that provides cash flow. These components make tremendous investment opportunities with important potential to rise by holding or trading tokens.


The Causee Shopping platform aims to disrupt the e-commerce landscape that has been controlled by a handful of powerful companies such as:

  • Every transaction supports local or global goals
  • Contribute without changing your normal shopping efforts
  • The ability to raise awareness about causes and income
  • Start a fundraising initiative for a new goal that you support

Detail Tokens and ICO (CAUSEE)

Causee Tokens are opportunities for investors around the world to participate in revenues generated from Causee.com by having tokens. Investors may be required to provide proof of additional residence or other qualifications before or after they purchase the Cause Token.
Token Detail

  • Token name : CAUSEE
  • Networ : STELLAR
  • Total Supply : 40,000,000
  • TOken for sale : 32,000,000

Privat sale November 2018 - Desember 2018
Pre - Sale : Quater 1 Price $0.75 USD
Public Sale : Quarter 2 Price $1 USD

Token Allocation

  • Founders : 2,400,000
  • Board & Advisor : 3,200,000
  • Team : 1,600,000
  • Contingency : 800,000

Token Distribution

  • 4% Team incentives
  • 6% Founders
  • 80% Token for purchase
  • 8% Board and Advisor
  • 2% Maketing and Incentivization contingency

Found allocation

  • 3% Investory
  • 12% Operations
  • 13% Marketing
  • 60% Research and Development
  • 6% Legal
  • 4% contingency
  • 2% Offering Expense


Team of CAUSEE

The Causee team consists of experts in various industries with significant expertise & proven track record in Blockchain Technology, Web Design & Development, Product Management, Finance, Sales & Marketing. Full disclosures will be announced in January 2019.

For detailed information, please visit official :

Bounty0x user watonwae

0.287 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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