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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


About HCX PAY?

HCX PAY is a coin network, mining, and network of fortune-tellers made specifically for personal transactions in the payment, payment and global health care market, and health payments. The mission of HCX PAY is to rediscover the way insurance and health care is done. HCX PAY provides a low-cost, non-friction insurance and health care experience for anyone, anytime, anywhere.
HCX PAY aims to eliminate the health care intermediaries that stand between you and your health team and information, obscuring the health care experience while maintaining high costs and substandard results. Whether in the United States, Asia, or Europe, these organizations include insurance companies, claim networks, pharmacy support managers, and managed care organizations, many of which are questionable value propositions, are bad stewards of your privacy and not in harmony with you or your provider of the best health or economic interests.

HCX PAY technology

The company aims to bring together cutting-edge technology and blockchain technology together to improve the health of individuals and society in general. The company's platform gives everyone a fair platform to carry out its role.
HCX PAY will be adopted and combined with the CryptoNote (Night) algorithm. Algorithms and derivative modifications released under open source licenses. This forms the basis for a well-tested core of cryptocurrency.

Usually, when you post your public address, anyone can check all your incoming transactions even if they are hidden behind the ring signature. To avoid linking, you can create hundreds of keys and send them to your payer privately, but that makes you uncomfortable having one public address. CryptoNote resolves this dilemma by automatically creating several unique keys once, which come from a single public key, for each p2p payment.

CryptoNote will also bring equality with an egalitarian work pricing function, which is perfect for ordinary PCs. It uses built-in CPU instructions, which are very difficult and too expensive to apply to special purpose devices or fast memory-on-chip devices with low latency.
HCX PAY will also use Ring signature verification. This kind of verification is used to make HCX PAY transactions not traceable by using the public key of another member in the ring signature applied to the transaction. This ring signature application proves that the creator of the HCX PAY transaction is eligible to spend the amount in the transaction.

How does HCX PAY work?

Consumers can choose from a portfolio of products and services recommended by machines based on demographic, financial and health goals. Based on the chosen portfolio or pathway, consumers participate in various community activities to obtain HCXP based on tasks related to achieving financial and health goals, growing the community, and creating good intentions.

Benefits of HCX PAYMENT

  • Secret payment without privacy risk / third party payment
  • Reducing transaction costs
  • "Anonymous Witnesses" who are trusted and reputable to verify real-world events, try pre-determined smart contract requirements, and cryptographic transaction notaries
  • Risk of tracking behavior that can be ignored
  • Optional "audit window" for verification of transactions for your auditors and regulators
  • The risk of tracking business transactions that can be ignored
  • Payment experience based on new activities, activities and results
  • A more efficient and cheaper billing process
  • Decentralized node network operator for maximum security

HCXP Token

The token used on the HCX PAY blockchain is named HCXP. HCXP is a usage token or utility. Transactions from one HCXP account to a different solely last some seconds. This is AN intrinsic token as a result of, like Bitcoin, it's wont to write to the blockchain by paying dealing fees. Transaction costs depend on the number of inputs, outputs, and ring sizes. Because of "ring signature technology," transaction costs are much lower than Bitcoin.
Click in here to order HCXP miner

  • Consensus: Proof of work (POW)
  • Hash algorithm: CryptoNight
  • Block creation time: 60 seconds
  • Circulating Supply: 500 Million HCXP
  • Total Supply: 2 Billion HCXP

Supply allocation:

  • Founder / Team: 125,000,000
  • Advisor / Vendor: 50,000,000
  • Future Airdrop: 175,000,000
  • Future Sales: 125,000,000
  • Company Reserves: 25,000,000


The roadmap for HCX PAY product development begins with development
and integration of basic technologies (ledgers, privacy, data mesh,
and contracts) to support the development of ecosystem applications
including provider and service discovery, virtual underwriting, data
control, virtual delivery, tokenized health contracts, and distribution of medical costs.

_You can see the road map here_

For detailed information, please visit official :

Author : appdeal

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