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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Sabiglobal brings several solutions with this I will report some of them artificially auth is an embedded or external module and software for its maintenance process of identifying and authenticating users so as to facilitate the lives of all and to be able to provide but security access to all Sabi-net users will become globally distributed authentication based on blockchain technology so that their roles throughout the global ecosystem in the near future, the Sabi project can replace all documents in paper and ID markers and create the basis for smart contract-based free trade using SAB authentication with all this people will be familiar and will have the greatest satisfaction in participating in a new step in this technology with storage of sabi which will become the authentication of hard drive biometrics and proof of the violation.

because sabi technology is based on the analysis of high frequency electromagnetic fields of a person, an innovation in the field of biometrics will be carried out by advancing with the entire human body together with all cells acting as an impression, so that their characteristics are very high the entire system is open for operation only when the user within the range of scanning systems sabi can act as a global identity card that helps everyone with their technology with security, the first place that the team must commit to offering. what's the best of this security way is your freedom from threats and negative situations everything else is only possible under security conditions and this global platform must backup today the best biometric authentication system is not fully reliable so that it is left to be desired when it comes to scale all of the existing identification methods have many major disadvantages

of them is the incompatibility of most identification technologies incompatible with each other and users must use several methods to access different systems that make them very complex to use the user must remember and store all logins and passwords, have physical access keys with him / that it becomes very difficult this method of global searching for a revolution makes it doable for all the protection required in one place with instrumentation prices totally different|for various} identification strategies that successively need different instrumentation, this suggests a rise in prices for the purchase and maintenance of the entire infrastructure making it expensive and complicated everything is reduced. Most modern technology is vulnerable to hacking, data, and counterfeiting in this way with all these problems. the body cannot be lost throughout life and it is possible to pretend because sabi technology is safe for users, because the irradiation power is less than the radiation power of smartphones, Wi-Fi networks and other consumer electronics make it affordable in any environment because as simplicity says

and the ease of use of single hardware modules that can be used individually and as part of complex corporate and international systems with authentication processes that do not require the independence of user actions at the forefront, there is no need for permanent connections with the server to authenticate processes based on continuous authentication with authenticity checks during the user's work, without additional action by him because this method will meet all security levels of the sabi token for product payments and preparation will be used comprehensively in the system with payment of the token function method as a fee for the use of hardware and software parts of sabi as a token exchange unit acts as a value exchange unit in the system and allows users to get and spend tokens on their own ecosystem and on other trading platforms, all users of the platform sabi will receive tokens as compensation for upgrading complex hardware and software and for developing partner and affiliate networks.

For detailed information, please visit official :

[26 November, 2018 - 28 February, 2019]

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sabiglobal
GitHub: https://github.com/sabiglobal
Whitepaper: https://sabiglobal.io/docs/WhitePaperEN.pdf
Website: https://sabiglobal.io

Author :

0.330 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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