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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

The Power Ledger - trading electricity through blockchain technology

Power Ledger is an Australian project, aiming to organize the sale of electricity, mainly from renewable sources with usage of blockchain technology.

The main idea of this project is that those who have installed solar panels, now instead of leaving the network will be able to sell its surplus energy.

And all this will be managed by the smart contract from creation to final consumption.

Power Ledger will encourage and stimulate business companies to sell assets with the use of applications for peer-to-peer energy trading.

Due to the use of Blockchain technology platform will demonstrate to consumers a transparent, reliable and automated system for energy trading.

The project will solve two key tasks:

  1. Leaving the subscriber in the network.

  2. Encouraging the subscriber.

Though Power Ledger is an Australian project, but the idea is ambitious and is already in talks with potential partners in Africa and India.

Power Ledger allows consumers to manage the energy economy, saving the value of distribution networks that already exist.

To implement all the plans, Power Ledger launches its ICO.

Now there is already the third week of ICO duration. On the presale, the team has raised over 17 million Australian dollars.

This ICO has no limit on the funds collected. The Payments will be accepted in BTC, ETH, LTC.

During the ICO will be sold “POWR token” It will give the right to use the system and the access to the P2P trading features. For internal transactions will be used “Sparkz token”. This will create a closed ecosystem, which in addition would prevent money stealing.
The team members:
Bill TAI - Board Advisor
Dr. Jemma Green - Co-Founder
Davis Martin - Co-Founder and Managing Director
John Bulich - Co-Founder and Director
Dr. Gov Van Ek - Co-Founder and Director
Jenni Conroy - Co-Founder and Director
Dorjee Sun - Community Manager - Asia
Nuno Martins - CTO
Sheree Ip - Legal and Compliance
Marc Griffiths - Etherium Engineer
Garry Hasler - Senior Software Developer
Alasdair Penman - Systems Engineer
Kristian Myhre - Energy Systems Specialist
James Eggleston - Analyst
Meagan Cojocar - Analyst
Federico Tan - Software Engineer
Vinod Tiwari - Manager Sales and Business Development

Learn more about the project:
Official website https://tge.powerledger.io/#papers
ICO link - https://mainsale.powerledger.io/
Telegram. - https://t.me/joinchat/Gop-90DIMiPF7N_EtvFzjA
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/powerledger

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