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5 лет назад

Changing the World- Take a Step Today


“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
-Rob Siltanen

Artifical barriers prevent us from making changes in the world. The 9-5 grind and the "ways it has always been done" stand in the way of true life success. To change your world, dare to dream and be different.

The current life script for "success" includes education, college debt, securing a 9-5 job with benefits and a "reitirement" in your golden years. Unfortunately, this path is a rat race that leads to debt and stress. Making it today requires removing ones self from this stress-filled scenario. Change your world by being different.

Self-sufficiency and relocation to a low-cost of living area are two huge steps one can take to avoid the rat race. Avoid large cities and high-cost areas. Trendy coastal cities present major impediments to personal growth and success. Learn to grow your own food by making a garden and decrease your cost of living by cutting the fat from your budget. Avoid consumerism and be happy with what you have.

Take a step to change the world today. Educated others to avoid the modern day serfdom of the rat race.


Originally published in my Weku account I own at: https://deals.weku.io/community-deals/@wstanley225/changing-the-world-take-a-step-today

Also published in my Whaleshares, Bearshares, Serey, Golos, Hyperspace and Minds accounts I own.

Picture from Pixabay.

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