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5 лет назад

Face Your Fear Today- Do Not Procrastinate


"One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do."
-Henry Ford

Fear and that uncomfortable feeling we get when we the think about something can be useful or stultifying to our growth.

Procrastination is putting things off for tomorrow that are uncomfortable today. It is a massive relief when we overcome an obstacle standing in our way. Our mind has a way of inflating problems the longer they exist.

What should we do when we feel fearful? The short answer is to confront that fear after assessing the risk. Is this a situation that exposes us to unnecessary risk of loss? Is this something that could end up costing us our freedom or relationships we cherish? If so, we may need help from experts, if not, let's make a plan to confront the situation and quickly before it builds in our minds and on the ground.

Plan and act today to confront the nagging fear you have. Do you hate your job? Start looking today. Do you have to have a tough conversation with a friend about their behavior? Begin writing a script today. Are you noticing a problem with your teeth? Call the dentist today. There is no time like the present. Confront your fears now, and the mental energy the fear is taking on you will be gone. Your fear is 90% mental and 10% situational.

What fear will you confront today?


Picture from Pixabay.

Originally published in my Serey account at:

Also published in my Publish0x, Hyperspace, Golos, Bearshares, Whaleshares, Weku and Minds accounts I own.

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