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7 лет назад

FintruX The Global P2P Lending Ecosystem. ICO Review and Last Update

 Our Token Sale Event is off to an incredible start! At this point we are proud to announce that we have already raised over 9,000 ETH in less than 24 hours — this takes our total contributions to over 19,300 ETH. We are glad to see our hard work and ideas validated by so many of our supporters!In fact, the current whitelist structure was built to allow each of our supporters the opportunity to make a minimum contribution of 0.1 ETHand to guarantee a contribution of up to 5 ETH per person. Based on this structure and peg, if our crowdsale was carried out under more favorable market conditions, we believe that everyone on our whitelist would have been in a position to contribute and our sale would likely have been completed already.

FintruX Network is a blockchain based online ecosystem connecting borrowers, lenders and rated service agencies.FintruX facilitates marketplace lending in a true peer-to-peer network to ease the cash-flow issues of small businesses and startups.Our technology supports this innovative marketplace and administration model to efficiently connect and process the global supply and demand of capital.

Our platform also removes the need for physical infrastructure and brings out convenience and total automation,increasing efficiency,reducing manual processes and improving the overall borrowing and lending experience.https://www.fintrux.com/We use cascading levels of credit enhancement to improve creditworthiness Through credit enhancement,the lender is provided with reassurance that the borrower will honor the obligation through over

 Problem Lending

  • Significant Collateral Required
     Banks like to loan cash on cash.This means that they will lend you the same amount of money you have in your savings account,using your money as collateral.This makes it difficult for businesses with low liquidity to get much needed capital to grow their business.
  • Stringent Requirements
     Traditional local banks and credit unions do offer unsecured loans.However,it is extremely difficult to get an unsecured business loan through traditional lenders especially if your business is relatively young.It can take months to apply and few businesses rarely get approved.
  • Impossible Rates and Terms
     Less advisable financing options are often available but these come with outrageous interest rates and unrealistic repayment schedules.Small businesses and startups should not have to choose between bankruptcy and borrowing under unclear, unfair and uncertain terms.
  • collateralization as additional collateral,local third
  • party guarantor,cross
  • collateralization as insurance and FintruX ultimate protection reserve.
     Our mission is to make trustless financing a no brainer for both borrower and investor,Our vision is to facilitate an ecosystem where financing liquidity is maximized and all participants win.

 Problem Lending

  • Significant Collateral Required
     Banks like to loan cash on cash.This means that they will lend you the same amount of money you have in your savings account,using your money as collateral.This makes it difficult for businesses with low liquidity to get much needed capital to grow their business.
  • Stringent Requirements
     Traditional local banks and credit unions do offer unsecured loans.However,it is extremely difficult to get an unsecured business loan through traditional lenders especially if your business is relatively young.It can take months to apply and few businesses rarely get approved.
  • Impossible Rates and Terms
     Less advisable financing options are often available but these come with outrageous interest rates and unrealistic repayment schedules.Small businesses and startups should not have to choose between bankruptcy and borrowing under unclear, unfair and uncertain terms.

 Competitive Advantages
 1.Open ecosystem
 FintruX Network partners with rated agencies such as identity,KYC/AML,credit scoring, credit model and payments to provide lenders a wide variety of choices to adjudicate their loans.
 2.Decentralized Reputation Ratings
 We provide a decentralized review platform for all participants built on Ethereum smart contracts.
 3,Token as transaction fee
 FintruX Network will convince them to charge our lenders by transaction,in FTX tokens.This simplifies the onboarding experience by removing the barrier to entry
 4.Decentralized Ethereum blockchain technology
 The Ethereum blockchain provides the highest availability.It is decentralized and its hashing provides immense security on identification and privacy.
 5.Many systems as a platform architecture
 Smart contracts provide transparency to both borrowers and lenders.It is unambiguous and choices made are visible on a user-friendly interface.Both parties can examine each contract at a granular level and continue to monitor ongoing performance.
 6.No-code development and instant deployment
 Our smart contracts will not be hand-written.platform into no-code development enables all possible contract combinations to be presented as user interface to borrowers and lenders.
 7.Unprecedented risk-reduction on unsecured loans
 cascading credit enhancements provides unprecedented risk reduction for unsecured loans. 

 Benefits to Borrowers

  • Access to Affordable Credit.
     enhancements enable us to offer borrowers interest rates that are generally lower on average than the rates
  • Superior Borrowing Experience.
     We offer a fast and easy-to-use online application process and provide borrowers with access to live support and online automation throughout the process and for the lifetime of the financing.
  • Branding Opportunity.
     Lenders can provide ratings and transparent reviews on a blockchain to establish trusted borrowers and agents within the ecosystem.
  • Transparency and Fairness.
     Each customer contract is written as a fully-customized smart contract on a blockchain.
  • Lowered Transaction Fee.
     Consequently, since each smart contract is fully-customized and simplified for each
     borrower contract
  • Super-Fast and Efficient Funding.
     We leverage online data and intelligent technology to instantly match risk..
  • Self-Service.
     All available options such as refinance,prepayments,etc can be done online within minutes on all devices including mobiles.

Benefits to Lenders

  • Access to Risk-Reduced Investing.
     Credit enhancements historically only available to securitization funding of large portfolios is now available to lenders on FintruX Network.
  • Superior Lending Experience.
     We offer a fully automated application process and provide lenders.
  • Branding Opportunity.
     Borrowers can provide ratings and transparent reviews on a blockchain to establish trusted lenders within the ecosystem.
  • Access to a Network of Expertise.
     A network of rated agencies such as fraud,identity,credit scoring and credit decision are readily available.
  • Attractive Returns.
     By having access to lower risk of funding and cutting major costs associated with administering the financing, these savings become additional profit margins. with their families.
  • No Upfront Cost to Lenders.
     No lump-sum license fee,no enhancement fee,no maintenance fee,no support fee for a system in fact,no upfront cost is necessary.
  • More Satisfied Customers.
     Self-service increases customer satisfactions.It is fast,efficient,transparent and time saved to service their borrowers better.

 Whitepaper : https://www.fintrux.com/home/doc/whitepaper.pdf
 Telegram : https://t.me/FintruX
 Twitter : https://twitter.com/fintrux
 Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/FintruX/
 Blog : https://medium.com/@FintruX
 Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/fintrux
 Ann Threads BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2286042 

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