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Petchains Ico Review

  Petchains is dedicated to the global information management system for the panpet market and the trading platform. The solution is based on modern and global technologies, such as big data and blockchain, which allows users to save unique data and store data as animals that live at home or in shelters.

The main objective of this project is to educate the community, which consists of experts, professionals, institutions, scientists, owners, service providers, volunteer dealers and other members of the animal community, they can interact globally and contribute to ensuring an effective life for pets. 

About Petchains

About ICO"Social networking is mining" use petchains diamond give the thumbs-up and so on. 90% of the Advertisement fee supplied by Pet food brands and toys brands will be return to users who have petchains diamond,PTCS coin will load partner exchange site in 2019.  

Direct-To-Consumer Decentralize PlatformPetchains is dedicated to a global panpet market information management system and the trading platform.

The solution is developed on the modern and global technologies like big data and blockchain which allows the users to maintain a unique and to keep the data of both the animals who lives in the home or in the shelters.

The main aim of this project is to bring up the community which is made up of the experts, professionals, institutions, academics, owners, service providers, dealers volunteers and other participants of the animal community, they can interact globally and contribute to provide the efficient lives to the pets. 

Technical Info

  • Buyback Tokens ProgramQuarterly |
  • Nominal price: 0.00018 ETH
  • Petchains will quarterly allocate 90% of the proceeds to ensure the redemption of tokens from their holders (investors and users).
  • The program starts according to the results of the 3rd quarter of 2019. 
  • The price of the buyback is based on the nominal price of a token at 0.00018 ETH what is nearly $0.036. 

Petchains Roadmap


Key Features of Petchains

  1. Transparency in Data:
    The platform offers verified and relevant data that is accessible to all pet owners alike in order to gain relevant knowledge associated with any pet
  2. Real-Time Global Communication:
    Pet owners across the world can seamlessly interact with one another. They can also connect with each other in real-time and share their knowledge regarding pets and gain relevant information.
  3. Petchains CoinPetchains platform is backed by exchange Petcoin (PTCS) that can be used to access various services offered within the ecosystem. 
PTCS offers a convenient and secure mode of payment and settlement between users who communicate on the Petchains domain. 

The platform has offered 900 Million tokens and the soft cap is set at 5,000 ETH and the hard cap is valued at 89,285 ETH. The PTSC token sale is live and coins are available on the official website https://www.ptcs.io/

The token distribution is allocated in the following way:

●Token Sale Program: 60%
●Team and Founders: 15%
●Reserve Fund: 8%
●Ecosystem Development: 7%
●Marketing and Bounty: 6%
●Board Advisors: 4%
●Contingency: 4%

Petchains: A Unique Pet Market EcosystemPetchains is a global pet information market system and trading platform that envisions to strengthen and empower the pet industry. It is an initiative dedicated to building a social pet economy where all the data associated with pets across the globe is easily accessible for pet owners to obtain and share in order to improve the lives of pets. 

More information:


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1901059

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