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5 лет назад

Pakistan Prime Minister began a meeting about digitization of government administration

This is the news e-news-language news outlet of The News on April 17. This Prime Minister of Pakistan has organized a meeting for digitization of government administration; he is improving general service delivery as per the government's perspective. This Prime Minister of Pakistan has also highlighted the ability to eliminate the bureaucracy.


This blockchain technology has the effect of ensuring efficiency and transparency in its operations. It addresses issues such as digitization of government processes in the meeting of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Khan said that this will facilitate trade facilitation with business partners of Pakistan. In these discussions, the next generation business platform has been touched for the country.

They are improving the ease of doing business in the country. This digitalization will make a much needed synergy between government organizations to ensure friction-less service delivery. Earlier in April, Pakistan announced that it would implement new cryptocurrency rules as a licensing scheme for electronic money institutions in an effort to improve its track record fighting financial crime. They fund terrorism, while it will also help to regulate digital currency throughout the country.

These rules will help in dealing with money laundering. According to official, the objective is to promote financial inclusion and efficiency and to combat corruption. The central bank of this nation has announced that the objective of the institution is to issue a digital currency by 2025. It was Jameel Ahmed, Deputy Governor of State Bank of Pakistan on 01 April. However, it is going to happen by 2030. They are doing full deployment of central bank digital currency.


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