Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

GOLOS grows steadier than anything I've ever seen in a cryptocurrency

I haven't seen such steady growth since... Pff... Pff... Pff... Never. The Golos people are determined for their GOLOS to stay in their balance, and I have never seen more устойчивые людишки on a platform ever, who, collectively choose NOT to sell out, but to stay for a year and a half despite much pain and suffering. Thank you for that, мои дорогие дружищки!) Needless to say though, Golos COULD be at over $1 dollar as we speak. You all know why that's not the case which I will talk about below.

It is now only up to the crazy narcomans in power, i.e. the Golos Narco-Commanda filled with ONLY gopniks, who would rather see the entire Golos platform burn to the ground, than hand over some work to other people (something that they don't do at all, by the way). These people masturbate to having a bit of power because in their usual lives, they are no one - worse than no one, everything that they do turns to ash, and so they have decided to turn Golos to ash. However in this case we - the beautiful investors and independent developers - will NEVER let this happen. Sergej, Marina and the other narcomans will be sleeping below a tree in a year's time. This is not a prediction; it's a fact.

Either way, you will be destroyed. Your "reputation" was destroyed a long time ago, but that's not what I'm talking about. This is: You will be haunted after what you have done in every new crypto project you join; lists of all your actions will be sent to all investors of new projects, the promises you took a shit on, the investors you screwed in the ass, your lies and your disgusting drug habits - all of this will come after you in a big .rar-file to every person that ever talks to you in the crypto world - until the end of time.

We will win, and despite these evil лохи, we are STILL moving forward. Now this is testament to the character of the good people here. Thank you!

–your whale

0.191 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2016
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