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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Ronaldo's Emotional Letter

"I spent 9 years in Real Madrid, which was undoubtedly the best moments of my life. I have to thank the Real Madrid club, the city and the fans for the pleasure, love, affection and joy that they gave me.
Anyway, I feel the time has come to start a new phase in my life, and that's why I asked the club to provide me with the conditions for my transfer. I want to thank all, especially the fans, for understanding my circumstances.
I spent 9 amazing and also difficult years at the Real Madrid club, because I had a lot of expectations, but I never forget that I enjoyed playing football in Madrid in a unique way.
There were always great teammates in the Real Madrid cloakroom, and together we won three consecutive Champions League titles and four times won the Cup in five years, and in personally winning three golden shoes and four golden balls, satisfied me from this era.
I've had extraordinary moments at this club and Real Madrid has conquered my heart forever. For this reason, I would like to thank the club, management, doctors, physiotherapists and club staff who have done incredible work all the time.
I also have to thank Real Madrid and Spanish football fans once again. In the last 9 years, I've played against big players who have great respect for all of them, but now it's time to create a new cycle in my life.
I will not wear Real Madrid anymore, but this shirt, badge and Santiago Bernabéu will be with me wherever I am. Thank you all, and like 9 years ago when I first screamed at the Bernabéu, VIVA Madrid."

Goodbye Legend

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