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6 лет назад

STATEU -  Expanding the Reach of Financial Services in Our World Today

 2.5 billion of unbanked people. Striking fact taking into  consideration the aspect of how rapid the technological rising of our  society is. We live in the epoch of developing and lots of opportunities  for it, among the huge amount of smart technical appliances and  gadgets. It is quite strange to learn about the fact that so much people  have no a chance even to get the delight of using them. So many people  can’t buy lots of so desired things like necessary goods, house for  living, have a flight to one of the countries they dream about and this  list is endless. Our global financial ecosystems serve billions while  moving trillions of dollars each day. However, these systems are rife  with problems with frequent delays and additional fees. Not to mention,  the onerous paperwork and fraud cases you frequently encounter. The only  positive is that the evolution of blockchain technology is proving to  be a remedy for these shortcomings. In this sea of inovation and new technologies i will be introducing  you to a visionary project that come to life in the form of ICO's and  today i am going to present you with one of the most promising ones on  the market which is StateU, a decentralized application that aims at  credit card payment processors that use the blockchain to identify and  prevent fraud. Online money transfers (Fiat), 5x cheaper & 8x  faster. Debit prepaid cards, with credit funds for holders and without  limits. Plataform Real estate, books and selling property online, using  the Blockchain to transfer ownership 

 About StateU StateU is a decentralized software any credit card payment processor  that uses blockchain to identify and prevent fraud. Online money  transfer (Fiat), 5 x more affordable & 8 x faster. Prepaid debit  cards, with credit to fund holders and without limits. Real estate Web  plataform, books as well as selling property online way, using  Blockchain to transfer ownership. The Vision Paybit S.A. S, founded by people who have expertise in the field of  operations using DAOactions, cryptomonads analysis and experts in  development, in 2016, these people have 6 years of experience in digital  currency processing payments and money transfers. Paybit S.A. S, are  people who are already known by many people, and they made partnerships  with the BITPAGOS LATAM company, which is a company that can be called  the oldest company in Argentina where the company is dedicated to  instant payment and money transfer solutions. The job is to solve  problems that occur with regard to bank boundaries and boundaries which  will be guided for projects or cities, and currently the team has made  the following products:  

  • PrepaidU
  • TransferU
  • StateU
  • ChargeU

Mission The team is currently working on dedicating to make that part real,  money limited, instant, comfortable, transparent and free. IT has given  money to individuals and companies that will be used for payments, for  shipping, in currencies, wherever and wherever you want. 

 CHARGEU A platform that can blockchain services or debit cards and credit  card services that are safe from fraud. The main purpose of this  platform is to provide a solution for each user in the payment process  in several countries, without limiting each customer, except in some  cases, such as debit / credit card taxes, limits on online or shopping  purchases. for each transaction fee will be 3.7% + 1 Euro per  international account within 72 hours. 100% money transfer online,  without limitsHow does it work The following is a simple simulation for where this will work. For example, Mr. John wanted to send money from Spain to London to  his colleagues, so the first thing he did was send 100Euros to a  TransferU account, and this transaction would cost 3.5%. While the  payment method will use the conventional method of payment, or 0.5% + 1  Euro using ESU Ethereum TokenHector, fellow Jhon will receive money on  the same day. This transaction will use 2 alternative shipments,  TransferU, using a national bank account so that the city can ensure  that this transaction is quite safe because TransferU has a role as  escrow. Users can receive information that is different from the features provided With the E-banking application that the team provides users will be  able to easily meet their needs, users will be able to make transactions  using this application anywhere and anytime. In addition, each user  will get protection using safe 3d technology for each second Visa and  Mastercard payment. to manage every transaction that users do the team  will work using Oncloud technology, people's cards and I think it's good  enough to disrupt DAO technology and actions. and those who are not  less important will be released using 7 languages. Real Estate ESU Token Platform By using ESU Multisig Transfer Escrow, each user can also write down  every real estate sale, on their blockchain. The business objective of  this project is to minimize the costs and time we have to spend in  conducting online transactions and selling real estate. and we as  potential users need not doubt this anymore, because in fact, this team  has a lot of experience in helping companies in the real estate sector  in the process of selling property, such as homes and other buildings.  Online money transfer services are tools that can help increase foreign  investment in underdeveloped countries. for this reason, they support  100% of the real estate business. Competitive Advantage Token EstateU is based on 4 broad markets, where competition is reduced. The advantages before our competition are as follows: YC - AML & Antifraud
Identity verification service (KYC & AML), data analysis for fraud / credit card debit prevention Adappive Dapp Fintech
Fintech Dapp, compatilble with 50 conventional payment methods, and 24 Smart smart contracts Fintech & Real state
We joined Fintech with the real estate sector. to provide international transfer services to real estate agents. We  help expand the target market and get better, borderless clients Peer to Peer transfer
Our Dapp, allows for money transfers (FIAT), anywhere in the world. Immediately Infinite Prizes!
5% of our net income will be shared with our buyers 20,000 tokens Why should you choose STATEU?  

  • Promote your property 100% free, for 1 month.
  • StateU helps you with legal documentation for sale.
  • Customer filters for you KYC & AML.
  • Marketing payments for 1 month: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
  • Ads in foreign real estate magazines: 1 month.
  • Sales are registered forever on the Blockchain.

With the right use of the blockchain, StateU will be able to save  documentation on property sales, identification of buyers and legality  of money. The title of the owner will be kept forever, Thanks to the  "proof of stock" algorithm, information is safe and not temporary. Keeping log blocks will make it easier to find and track properties.  Examples of this include property that has been confiscated on taxation,  abandonment and good untitled properties. All of them are targets of  fraud. Token and ICO Details The use of tokens was created and developed with the aim of providing  services and helping Inter market, every activity created using these  tokens is being regulated and written on the Blockchain without you  acting at all. By using this token we as users will be very lucky  because we will be able to minimize the costs of international money  transfers and the cost of selling our property. Token Details 

 Name : StateU
Token symbol : ESU
Contract type : ERC-20
Platform : Ethereum
Type of Token : De Untilidad
Maximum Supply at Tokens : 85,000,000 ESU
Pre-sale ICO : 20,000,000ESU
Pre-sale in USD : 30,000,000 USD
ICO Sales Date : 11/15/2018
Minimum capital required : 20,000,000 ESU
Maximum capital required : 26,000,000 ESU
Blocked Token : 10,000,000 ESU
Sales end date : 12/10/2018
Minimum purchase : 1 ETH
Meta mask Compatible : YES Distribution of Tokens  

 For more information, please visit the links i hsve provided below; 

 Website: https://stateu.cash/en/ 

 Whitepaper: https://www.scribd.com/document/392870259/Whitepaper-StateU-Token-ES 

 ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5070602.0 

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StateUFintechDapp/ 

 Twitter: https://twitter.com/StateU10/ 

 Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE2nJbVGYR9nUzqr6g/ 

 Medium: https://medium.com/@stateuToken/ 

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stateu_token/ 

 Bitcointalk Bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5070605.0 

 Author:  tolyn1

 BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1399242

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