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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

"Trasy Zdrowia" from insurance "PZU"

In my previous articles, I had already reviewed two companies that support running in their countries. Namely, the Belgian insurance company "AG", which has a 10-mile run in Belgium and the Polish bank "PKO", which sponsors many Polish half marathons and marathons. This time, he decided to get to know a little more about another Polish company, namely the insurance company PZU, which also sponsors quite a few interesting races in Poland and also has interesting projects in the field of prevention and health care and promotion of an active lifestyle among Poles.

My acquaintance with "PZU" occurred during the "Półmaraton Warszawski" in which I worked for 18 years. But PZU only has its own sponsorship, which is an "interesting project", namely: "Trasy Zdrowia" and "Trail Health". So first let's get acquainted with these projects in more detail.

The "Trasy Zdrowia" project was launched in 2015 and is one of the activities of the PZU Group, the main element of which is the marked and protected walkway, which is used for all types of recreation. "Trasy Zdrowia" is a 2 to 3 km long route where everyone can use a versatile set of training equipment for different levels of difficulty. The implementation of "Trasy Zdrowia" was based on a competition, where a jury of 154 applications selected 30 Polish municipalities, which presented the most interesting ideas and subsequently implemented these projects.

The "Health Trail" project is a mini-fitness center equipped with training facilities that allow you to actively spend time, regardless of age and social status. Each complex consists of 9 training facilities equipped with exercise boards. The devices are certified for use by the Playground Control Center, safe to use and designed for people of all ages.

The "Health Trail" project is a mini-fitness center equipped with training facilities that allow you to actively spend time, regardless of age and social status. Each complex consists of 9 training facilities equipped with exercise boards. The devices are certified for use by the Playground Control Center, safe to use and designed for people of all ages.

In addition, PZU sponsors races such as:

  • Półmaraton Warszawski
  • Bieg po Nowe Życi
  • Cracovia Półmaraton
  • Cracovia Marathon
  • Bieg Trzech Kopców
  • Maraton Karkonoski
  • Maraton Warszawski

Site: androshchuk.com

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